Friday, May 21, 2010


When I was just a boy, I realized that every time a car passes by, I look at it for as long as I can.  I dream of having my own car and driving it wherever I want.  The sense of freedom is unbelievable with a ride.  Even now that I have more than one I still experience that same joy with cars.  When someone talks to me about car, I feel so much excitement than simply talking about my day.  Cars are like mystic creatures to me, each time something new enters the market, people gather around like they’re seeing a majestic beings.  That is exactly why I delved into car business because I know that my passion for cars would aid me into becoming a good car salesman.  After a while, I knew that cars would be the start of my success.  True enough, when I started investing money, I successfully owned one in a short period in time.  Nobody really knew how I did it, I never actually had problems with money because my father was very supportive especially when it came to finances.  I just knew that it was the best thing that ever happened to me and I can’t seem to go back and think how far I have come.  For now, I just want to be thankful for the blessings that I have been receiving over the years.  Through my interest in cars, I was able to build a future for myself, my family, and my community. 

One day, my business will grow big.  With my experience and my dedication in this industry I know that I will succeed and be one of the most outstanding entrepreneurs of all time.  It’s not impossible because from being car-less to being a car business owner, that’s already saying a lot.  And I’d like to contribute to this society using the one thing that I’m very passionate about.

Monday, May 3, 2010


When a person has doubts, he or she normally hesitates to make immediate decisions.  Decisions of course, have to be made in a given period of time but whether it is immediate or not, decisions should still be made.  In relation to that, doubts are those external factors that hinder people to believe in something.  Never doubt something or someone for that matter for as long you know what you are doing and you know what you can achieve in the process.  It all reflects on how you make little decisions; if you are easily swayed into believing the opposite of what you stand for, you will probably lose track of everything else, including the bigger picture.

In business, doubts are not advisable.  It should be stimulating and it should not stop you from doing what you have to do.  To expand more on the idea of stimulating doubts, take into consideration the people that work for you.  You may always refer to their resume to check on their background but whether it is good or bad, you can not judge the person merely according to how he or she presents her or his identity on a piece of paper.  It should be based on how you assess him or her personally.  The role of stimulating doubts help you rethink the traditional way of qualifying your employees.  But it is not your only concern because matters like choosing an ideal business partner can also mean doubts along the way.  Choosing a business partner should be proactive and independent.  Do not rely so much on what others have to say because in the end, the result will confront you and not them.  It is better to step your foot in during the initial stage rather then someone else’s.  Nobody gets a gold ribbon for cowardice.  Take the risks if you have to just as long as you do not compromise your credibility.  When all else fails, stand by what you believe in no matter what because you never know what opportunities may unfold before you.  A business partner can always appear impressive but choose wisely and choose the one that puts you first.